Emergency Contacts: Killgerm Emergency: 01865 407 333 | Rentokil Emergency: 01342 833 022 | National Poisons Information Service: www.npis.org
Do not enter contaminated atmosphere, otherwise, wear self contained breathing apparatus. Remove patient to fresh air keep warm and rest. DO NOT give mouth to mouth resuscitation. Seek medial attention.
Rinse effected eye with clean running water, or eye wash solution for at least 15 minutes keeping the eyelids well apart. Rinse entire surface, do not allow run off to contaminate the unaffected eye. Seek medical attention.
Remove immediately brush or shake any residues from clothing and skin in a well ventilated area. Allow clothes to aerate for several hours before washing. Seek medical attention.
Appropriate first aid equipment should be provided. For the UK this should be in accordance with the Health & Safety (First-Aid) regulations 1981. Also see the approve code of practice “First-Aid at work”.
Further information on all Certis & Rentokil products is logged with the National Poisons Information Service in the UK.
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